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Carti Empty Carti

Mesaj Scris de Nihat Vin Feb 04, 2011 8:08 pm

Ce carti ati mai citit, recomandari, ceva ?

Eu mi-am cumparat ieri "Universul holografic" de Michael Talbot si am citit vreo 60 de pagini ca nu am avut asa timp. Smechera cartea. Very Happy
Daca limita e cerul, eu-s deja cu capu'n nori

Mesaje : 3248
Reputatie : 3516
Data de inscriere : 02/11/2009
Varsta : 30
Localizare : Bucurăști

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de Static Vin Feb 04, 2011 8:14 pm

Recomand calduros Sven Hassel, de la el e si ultima carte citita, Batalion de Mars...dar Gestapo face toti banii. Nazis killin' russians & shit, romane de razboi, bla-bla...

Mesaje : 5376
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Data de inscriere : 28/10/2009
Varsta : 36
Localizare : Din Bv pana-n ma-ta

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Mesaj Scris de Vizitato Sam Feb 05, 2011 1:24 pm

Toba de Tinichea Gunther Grass, Narcis si Gura-de-Aur de Hesse.

Mi-au marcat copilaria.


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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de Nihat Sam Feb 05, 2011 3:45 pm

Mi-am luat "Autocontrol" de Dan Seracu.
Daca limita e cerul, eu-s deja cu capu'n nori

Mesaje : 3248
Reputatie : 3516
Data de inscriere : 02/11/2009
Varsta : 30
Localizare : Bucurăști

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de CIOMOFUGLA Lun Feb 07, 2011 3:16 pm

o bomba pt revelion ... rodica ojog brasoveanu
Un golan transformat in poet

Mesaje : 1242
Reputatie : 1384
Data de inscriere : 29/10/2009

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de HipSound Lun Feb 07, 2011 3:55 pm

The Secret
foarte tare Smile
se gaseste si documentaru pe net daca cautati pe google Smile
Mc-ii comerciali ii scutur ca pe evantai

Mesaje : 740
Reputatie : 854
Data de inscriere : 27/11/2009
Varsta : 30
Localizare : Bucuresti / Calafat

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de ONIX Lun Feb 07, 2011 4:11 pm

scufita rosie Smile))
Vorbim despre belele folosind belle-arte

Mesaje : 132
Reputatie : 186
Data de inscriere : 02/02/2011
Varsta : 27
Localizare : Jibou/Salaj

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Mesaj Scris de netceeinho Sam Feb 26, 2011 10:02 pm

mann, gombrowicz, musil .
Le dau clanta da' le tai si chitanta

Mesaje : 389
Reputatie : 463
Data de inscriere : 31/12/2009

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de Baruh Mar Mar 01, 2011 10:28 am

Bun "Secretul", insa urmareste sa dezbine. "Secretul" pune in prim plan interesul propriu si cai de atac pentru atingerea acestuia, astfel cladind granite in jurul individului, consumandu-ne energia in scopuri egocentrice.
Daca iti place ezoterismul, iti recomand Eckhart Tolle. Omu are trei carti si un ghid de-a dreptul fascinante, poezie pentru simturi. "Puterea prezentului" + ghidul practic, "Linistea vorbeste" si "Pamant nou" se numesc cartile acestui autor si se gasesc pe librariile virtuale la super preturi, adica la vreo 70 de lei le iei pe toate. Crede-ma merita.
Eu citesc acum "Creierul lui Broca" scrisa in 1979 de Carl Sagan, un profesor doctor in astronomie si fizica cuantica care a lucrat pentru NASA. Omul ofera perspective unice care sa ne ajute sa cernem ceea ce este verosimil de ceea ce este fake in cartile pe care le citim, dar si teorii dovedite stiintific vis-a-vis de o sumedenie de intrebari la care nu le gasim raspuns. Cartea asta nu se mai tipareste, poate fi gasita doar la anticariate.

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Baruh in Mar Mar 01, 2011 11:28 am, editata de 1 ori
Le dau clanta da' le tai si chitanta

Mesaje : 339
Reputatie : 378
Data de inscriere : 26/01/2011
Varsta : 43
Localizare : Tg-Jiu

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de Boka Mar Mar 01, 2011 11:25 am

Mircea Eliade-Huliganii-promoveaza liberul arbitru si ignorarea valorilor morale impuse de societate(gen etica,morala,cei 7 ani de-acasa,etc),si a tuturor mijloacelor de ingradire intelectuala si nu numai.Similitudini izbitoare cu comunitatile rep din ziua de azi...aia scriau romane si cantau la pian,noi scriem versuri geniale si producem cacat bun Laughing

Mesaje : 1467
Reputatie : 1534
Data de inscriere : 31/05/2010
Varsta : 37
Localizare : Tg-Jiu/Craiova

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Carti Empty carti

Mesaj Scris de koulipak Mar Mar 01, 2011 1:27 pm

Traiand Tandin - 100 cei mai odiosi criminali romani
Traian Tandin - Condamnati la moarte
Traian Tandin - 1001 jafuri celebre (de asta nu m-am apucat, am cumpatat-o doar)

le citesc in paralel ca sunt bazate pe povestiri de 3-4 pagini despre fiecare caz in parte si imi place sa oscilez intre psihopati romani si psihopati straini Very Happy
Le dau clanta da' le tai si chitanta

Mesaje : 361
Reputatie : 404
Data de inscriere : 24/12/2010
Localizare : ploiesti

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Mesaj Scris de Dust Lun Apr 04, 2011 9:59 pm

Cum suntem pe un forum de rap,ba mai mult un forum de NetCeeing, cred ca nu gresesc cand spunca majoritatea daca nu toti userii de pe aici sunt interesati de ambele. M-am tot uitat in ultima vreme pe forumuri si pe hhk si pe aici pe la sectiunea de battle scris.Din ce am observat parca e invazie de Nc tineri si dornici de afirmare, oameni care nu stiu cu se mananca battle-ul,care nu au rabdare sa se documenteze un pic , se reped ca leii si cad ca mustele cum se spune.Nu sunt NC-ul perfect sau cel mai bun, nici pe departe, dar consider ca stiu cate ceva despre treaba asta si ca urmare m-am gandit sa incerc sa dau o mana de ajutor.Desi Academia de Battle al lui Becks este elocventa, avand in vedere ca are foarte multe exemple si este explicata mura in gura ,o sa incerc sa diversific un pic treaba.Drept urmare, o sa postez pe aici cateva elemente necesare oricarui battle sau piese rap.
Voi posta fragmente, aceste sunt luate din 2 carti “How to rap” si “Rappershandbook”.In masura in care sunt doritori, le si pot urca pe undeva. De asemenea, daca mai sunt persoane pe aici care au carti cu si despre rap, rog sa dea un semn.M-ar interesa in special "There’s a god on the mic" a lui Kool Moe De si "Rakim Told Me".
So, here we go:


"I’m not one of those dudes that settles for the basic, simple, easy
line all the time. I really try hard, and when you listen to the
rhymes, you can hear the effort in a writer’s song."

≤ Masta Ace ≥

1.Perfect Rhyme

A perfect rhyme is the simplest and most obvious form of rhyme.It’s when one word has exactly the same ending as another word.
For example:
cat / hat
mug / plug
hit / grit

2.Assonance (Vowel Sound Rhyme)

Assonance occurs when two words don’t have exactly the same ending but instead use a shared vowel sound (sounds made by the letters a, e, i, o, and u) to create a rhyme. As long as the vowel sounds are the same, the other sounds that surround them (the consonant sounds, or sounds made by letters other than a, e, i, o, and u) can be different. Examples of assonance include:
fit / hip
cat / back
hot / dog
Here is an example from the Madvillain song “America’s Most Blunted”:
The most blunted on the map.
. . . alley with a hood rat.

3.Bending Words

Assonance can be stretched even further by using words with similar vowel sounds instead of the exact same sounds. MCs sometimes “bend” words, pronouncing them in a way that makes two different vowel sounds sound alike:
arms / Mom’s
three / Dre
This technique can be seen in Eminem’s “Lose Yourself,” whenhe rhymes
arms are heavy with Mom’s spaghetti.
The words “arms” and “Mom’s” do not have exactly the same vowel sound, but they are close enough for them to work together as a type of rhyme. Stat Quo says, “With Eminem, he makes words rhyme that typically don’t rhyme together—he’s good at that. It’s about how he pronounces it.”

4.Alliteration and Consonance

Alliteration occurs when words begin with the same letter or sound. It’s more subtle than the other types of rhyme, and it does not produce the same effect. It is mostly used to improve the overall sound of the lyrics, rather than to link particular rhyming words (2Mex of the Visionaries says, “I used to write a lot of alliteration type of rhymes—I was just really into the way words sounded”).
Examples of alliteration include:
Jimmy / joke
mama / might
light / ladder
Here’s an example of alliteration by Snoop Dogg from Dr. Dre’s song “Dre Day”:
Here’s a jimmy joke about your mama that you might not like.
Here, “jimmy” and “joke” both start with a j, and “mama” and “might” both start with an m. Alliteration is being used in two ways in this line—with words that are next to each other (“jimmy”and “joke”) and with words that aren’t directly next to each other, just relatively close (“mama” and “might”). Either way, as long as the words that start with the same letter are heard soon after each other, the flow sounds more musical and interesting.


Consonance is created when the consonant sounds in a word are the same but the vowel sound is different:
sock / sack
cut / cot
bell / bill
Consonance has a similar effect to alliteration—some of the same sounds are repeated, adding another level of interest to the overall flow of the lyrics.
Here is an example of consonance from Kool G Rap’s “A Thug’s Love Story”:
The other six started to pop, felt something hot,
I think I got hit, my jacket is ripped.
The words “hot” and “hit” use the same consonant sounds, but different vowel sounds in the middle. The term hip-hop is itself an example of consonance, where the vowel sounds in the middle of hip and hop are different but the surrounding consonants are the same

6.Compound Rhymes (Multisyllable Rhymes)

Rhymes can be one syllable long, such as “cat,” “bat,” and “hat.”However, this is rare in today’s hip-hop, as most lyrics use compound rhymes, also known as multisyllable rhymes, polysyllable rhymes, or multies. Compound rhymes are created when a rhyme is more than one syllable long. In Wu-Tang Clan’s song “Triumph,”Inspectah Deck uses the following compound rhyme:
dropping these
Here, “dropping these” rhymes with “mockeries,” and they are both three syllables long.


A couplet is a rhyme scheme in which two bars of lyrics are joined together through rhyme. Below is an example from the Beastie Boys’ “Shadrach”:
1 2 3 4
Riddle me this, my brother, can you handle it?
Your style to my style, you can’t hold a candle to it.
The couplet is made up of the compound rhymes “handle it” and “candle to it,” which join the two bars together.
In fact, the whole first verse of “Shadrach” is made up entirely of couplets: the first two bars are joined by “handle it” and “candle to it,” the next two lines are joined by “right” and “night,” the two bars after that are joined by “win it” and “cynic,” and so on. A lot of lyrics are written in this way, entirely in couplets, where the first two bars are joined through rhyme and the next two bars are joined through a different rhyme—continuing throughout the verse or song.


A single-liner is a rhyme scheme in which a bar of lyrics has no rhyming connection to any other bar, and instead syllables within that one bar rhyme with each other—as Planet Asia says, “Some people rhyme on just one bar.”
Below is an example from the Game’s “Put You on the Game”:
1 2 3 4
first, Af- termath, the Chronic is back,
this is indo, produced by Timbo.
Here, there is no obvious rhyming link between the first bar and the second. But the compound rhyme “indo” and “Timbo” works just within the space of the second bar. The Notorious B.I.G. also often used the single-line rhyme scheme to add variety and interest to his flow, as Lateef of Latyrx points out: “Biggie obviously has some pretty intense and complex flows.”


A multi-liner is a rhyme scheme that joins together three or more bars of lyrics. Below is an example from Public Enemy’s “Bring the Noise”:
1 2 3 4
D, Public Enemy number one. Five-
O said freeze and I got numb.
Can I tell them that I really never had a gun?
But it’s the wax that the Terminator X spun.
In the example, all four bars are joined together by the same rhyme scheme, through the rhymes “one,” “numb,” “gun,” and “spun.” Making a rhyme scheme work across multiple bars can take more time and effort than using a couplet or a single-liner, but it increases the number of things you can do with the flow. Rah Digga offers this advice: “Don’t rush. If you can make four lines rhyme instead of two, it’s only going to make you a better MC.”

10.Combinations of Schemes

Combinations of single-liners, couplets, and multi-liners can be used within the same verse, creating varied rhyme patterns that keep the listener entertained. Some MCs like to change the rhyme scheme around frequently,and some like to keep it consistent—it depends on the artist.KRS-One often uses different combinations of rhyme schemes in his songs, such as in “MCs Act Like They Don’t Know.” Pharoahe Monch also uses combinations, as in “Simon Says.”For example, multi-liners and single-liners are often used together in a verse to good effect: an odd number of bars are joined together by a multi-liner, and they’re followed by one final bar containing a single-liner, to create a verse with an even number of bars. Or the combinations may be more complex: a verse may start with a couplet, then have an eight-bar multi-liner scheme, then a different five-bar multi-liner scheme, and finish with a single-liner—creating a 16-bar verse in total. Different rhyme schemes can also partially link to each other, so that some of the same syllables are part of more than one rhyme scheme.

11.Whole Verse

Below is an example from Busta Rhymes’s “Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See,” which shows two bars of a wholeverse rhyme scheme:
1 2 3 4
it’s a must that you heard of us, yo, we murder- ous. A
lot of niggas is wondering and they curi- ous how . . .
The compound rhymes “heard of us,” “murderous,” and “curious”join these bars together, and the rest of the verse follows in the same way, using the same rhyme scheme for 16 bars. Another example is in Kool G Rap’s verse on “The Anthem,”from Sway & King Tech’s album This or That.

12.Extra Rhymes

In addition to creating the main rhyme schemes that link bars together and provide a structure for the verse, you can add extra rhymes that add to the overall sound of the lyrics. Here is an example from B-Real’s verse on OutKast’s song “Xplosion”:
104 Flow
1 2 3 4
Dre, pass me the glass of wine so
I can pour it over my homies’ graves and mine for . . .
The words “wine” and “mine” link the two bars to create a couplet. Here are the same two bars, this time with the extra rhymes highlighted:
1 2 3 4
Dre, pass me the glass of wine so
I can pour it over my homies’ graves and mine for . . .
The words “pass” and “glass” rhyme with each other but not with the main rhymes that link the two bars together. If the two bars were not already linked, “pass” and “glass” might be considered a single-liner, but since the couplet provides the main rhyming structure, they simply add an extra rhyme on top of it.

Cam atat momentan oricum s-a facut ditamai postul, daca e cazul revin si cu altele!
Nu mint, e AdevaRAP!!!

Mesaje : 3805
Reputatie : 4103
Data de inscriere : 23/11/2009
Varsta : 39
Localizare : BzB

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de Nihat Lun Apr 04, 2011 10:20 pm

Bun post, multam de interes Dust, in legatura cu cartile, as aprecia daca le-ai urca pe undeva. Daca reusesti, da-mi un mesaj privat sau posteaza un link te rog.
Daca limita e cerul, eu-s deja cu capu'n nori

Mesaje : 3248
Reputatie : 3516
Data de inscriere : 02/11/2009
Varsta : 30
Localizare : Bucurăști

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de Dust Lun Apr 04, 2011 10:31 pm


How to Rap.pdf - 3.5 Mb

S-a facut, le-am urcat pe amandoua.
Sper sa-ti foloseasca! Smile
Nu mint, e AdevaRAP!!!

Mesaje : 3805
Reputatie : 4103
Data de inscriere : 23/11/2009
Varsta : 39
Localizare : BzB

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de Nihat Lun Apr 04, 2011 10:43 pm

Multumesc pentru raspunsu' prompt !
Tot ceea ce trece prin "filtru nostru uzat de cafea" ne foloseste. Smile
Daca limita e cerul, eu-s deja cu capu'n nori

Mesaje : 3248
Reputatie : 3516
Data de inscriere : 02/11/2009
Varsta : 30
Localizare : Bucurăști

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de Static Lun Apr 04, 2011 10:57 pm

Multam, de mult vroiam sa citesc How To Rap, sunt curios.

Mesaje : 5376
Reputatie : 5788
Data de inscriere : 28/10/2009
Varsta : 36
Localizare : Din Bv pana-n ma-ta

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de Dust Lun Apr 04, 2011 11:02 pm

Cu placere.Eu am citit-o si mi-a placut, sunt chestii interesante pe acolo si de asemenea poate fi luata si ca o colectie uriasa de interviuri avand in vedere ca au fost intervievati peste 100 de artisti si fiecare element prezentat este insoti de parerea respectivilor. Smile
Nu mint, e AdevaRAP!!!

Mesaje : 3805
Reputatie : 4103
Data de inscriere : 23/11/2009
Varsta : 39
Localizare : BzB

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de HipSound Lun Apr 04, 2011 11:37 pm

Secretul bogatiilor de Napoleon Hill
misto Smile
Mc-ii comerciali ii scutur ca pe evantai

Mesaje : 740
Reputatie : 854
Data de inscriere : 27/11/2009
Varsta : 30
Localizare : Bucuresti / Calafat

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de I.V. Mar Apr 05, 2011 10:39 pm

Mi-am comandat de la Cărtureşti "Secretele vârstelor de aur" de Pavel Coruţ. Momentan citesc "Trainspotting" de Irvine Welsh şi Bristol Murder (e-n engleză), momentan nu îmi vine în minte autorul.
Dupa profil tu esti doar un alt copil

Mesaje : 35
Reputatie : 38
Data de inscriere : 03/06/2010

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de rEk Joi Apr 07, 2011 1:15 pm

Va recomand Putere vs Forta de David R. Hawkins, e o carte psihologica foarte profunda, bazandu-se pe studiile lui Freud.
Dupa profil tu esti doar un alt copil

Mesaje : 52
Reputatie : 70
Data de inscriere : 29/01/2011
Localizare : Bucuresti

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de Mo' Mar Mai 10, 2011 11:47 pm

Am primit cadou 2 carti super tari ( daca bagi tutun si alcool ) intitulate : Primul meu fum si prima mea betie. Diversi oameni care isi povestesc experientele legate de primul fum/prima betie. In Primul meu fum o sa dati de Cheloo+ multi alti oameni cat de cat cunoscuti iar in Prima mea betie de nimeni altu' decat Johny Raducanu Very Happy
Le dau clanta da' le tai si chitanta

Mesaje : 440
Reputatie : 571
Data de inscriere : 23/05/2010
Varsta : 31
Localizare : i

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de OZN Mier Mai 11, 2011 3:00 pm

Credeam ca ai terminat 52 de volume, dintr-o lume a norocului.

Mi se pare pierdere de timp, sa citesti asta, mai bine bagi 2 fise, si-ti zicem noi cum e. Sa stii la ce sa te astepti.
Zile negre, zi-le naspa

Mesaje : 8565
Reputatie : 9864
Data de inscriere : 28/10/2009
Varsta : 32
Localizare : Area 51

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de CreativeEgo Mier Mai 11, 2011 4:15 pm

Bun, cum repării români sunt în proporţie de 99% mari patrioţi şi pentru că m-am enervat ascultând cum o formaţie care îmi place mult (Ceilalţi) au început să meargă într-o direcţie medievală, vă recomand o carte care să vă zdruncine un pic cunoştinţele de istorie a României:

Lucian Boia - Istorie şi mit în conştiinţa românească.

Şi după ce terminaţi cartea asta, puteţi luat uşurel la mână toată seria de autor Lucian Boia, începând cu "Jocul cu trecutul" şi "Două secole de mitologie naţională".
Un golan transformat in poet

Mesaje : 1185
Reputatie : 1263
Data de inscriere : 26/10/2009
Varsta : 42
Localizare : Bucuresti

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de Vizitato Mier Mai 11, 2011 4:39 pm

ah, il stiu. S-ar putea sa il confund, dar cred ca l-au trecut si prin manualu de a a 10-a parca.


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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de Mo' Mar Mai 17, 2011 6:52 pm

OZN a scris:Credeam ca ai terminat 52 de volume, dintr-o lume a norocului.

Mi se pare pierdere de timp, sa citesti asta, mai bine bagi 2 fise, si-ti zicem noi cum e. Sa stii la ce sa te astepti.

Mda.... chiar sunt curios sa aflu despre primul tau fum si prima ta betie, si daca tot o sa te obosesti sa imi spui te rog sa imi dai si un autograf ca sigur esti mai tare tu decat Cheloo, fisele le platesc eu, si bilele tot eu ti le bag Wink
Le dau clanta da' le tai si chitanta

Mesaje : 440
Reputatie : 571
Data de inscriere : 23/05/2010
Varsta : 31
Localizare : i

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Carti Empty Re: Carti

Mesaj Scris de Continut sponsorizat

Continut sponsorizat

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